One of the most important decisions that you can take as a female business owner is to invest in yourself. The knowledge and insights you get through training and coaching never disappear and will last forever. Start with this book however because it is full with tips and insights of the author who has been in business 28 years so far.
What you gain from the book
- You will have a laser-sharp focus.
- The brand position of your business will grow immensely in a few years.
- You will achieve your goals and have a good grip throughout the process.
- You will have a team of people who work for you and not just go to work.
- Your customers will be very satisfied. They will pay good prices and recommend your business.
- The customers who cost a lot of time and stress will go to your competitors.
- Your revenue will grow with big leaps every year.
The balance between your work and private life will be exactly the way you want it to be.